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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Confessions of an economic hitman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Confessions of an economic hitman - Essay Example Secondly I need to evaluate the economic value of this jungle in terms of how much its worth in both nominal and real value. For instance, assuming the jungle is rich in oil, then how much is that oil worth and how much does it benefit the small population in the jungle? If for instance am supposed to trash the jungle by either burning the resources, the value of $ 10 million a year in relation to the damage I will cause to the environment and the benefits I would deprive the people, in the annual analysis of the value of the jungle and its resources would be roughly more than $10 million promised and considering the welfare of the people who depend on it either directly or indirectly, and the long term analysis of the benefits; in a bigger perspective than the annual remuneration, it is not worth the price. According to the â€Å"confessions by economic hit man†, most citizens of once rich nations are sabotaged to pay recurring costs/interests of mistakes done by a few indivi duals for longer time than these individuals took to benefit from these mistake which is not fair. Question2: Do the CEOs of major oil companies know about the Economic Hit Man? Discuss why they might not and how they might look at this book. No, I don’t think they know because from his story where he is headed to shell in 2003, he is on a mission to â€Å"end a war he probably created†. This is to mean that his mission was to talk to these communities about their control of the reserves which communities were ready to die for in the name of survival of their generations. If we have to look at the operations of the CEOs of these companies they are truly in the dark on the â€Å"favors† extended to their companies by these economic hit men just to be surprised by the interests to be paid back. The fact that EHTs is a group of elite men and women who utilize the financial organizations that foment other nation’s subservient to corporatocracy, the fact that they give loans and grants for ports, pipe lines and high ways, and the fact that they demand access to precious resources such as oil reserves when economies/ these firms default on the loan grants, then it’s a true indication that the CEOs of these oil companies do not know the existence of EHMs and/or these EHMs use unclear paths to camouflage their activities and existence thus making it hard for recognition. They will look at this book as the revelation of their unending financial problems because of high cost of servicing loans and grants that come with intrinsic but latent consequences. If they decide to look at this book as an insight of new opportunities, they might decide to cut the dependence on loans extended with an infrastructural motive and/or cut the supply of their output to the countries associated with EHMs. Question3: How does patriotism and religion allow â€Å"them† to get away with activities described in the book? First, they extend grants in go od favor to either governments or financial institutions in form of development assistance in which they later control the operations of the grant. For instance, when they give grants in form of loans to

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