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Monday, December 16, 2019

Relational and Object-oriented Database Management...

Relational and Object-oriented Database Management Systems A database is a â€Å"shared collection of logically related data designed to meet the information needs of multiple users in an organization† (Hoffer 709). Databases contain data records or files, such as sales transactions, product catalogs and inventories, and customer profiles. Databases allows multiple users in an organization to easily access, manage, store, and update data when needed. A database management system is software designed to assist in maintaining and utilization large collections of data, and the need for such systems and their use. The first general-purpose database management system (DBMS) was designed by Charles Bachman who worked for General Electric†¦show more content†¦Fifth, DBMS can schedule concurrent access to the data, where when more than one user is accessing the data; users are protected from the possibility of system failures. Sixth, DBMS can reduce application development time since DBMS supports many important functions common to the many applications (Ramakrishnan 8-9). There are some disadvantages to using a DBMS that must be taken into consideration however. For example, a DBMS is complex software best used with certain kinds of workloads. This relates to its performance not being adequate for certain specialized applications. Second, another application may have to manipulate entered data in order to manage. This can create a problem if the second application does not support the designed query language. Developers of DBMS software are generally diverse in numbers and chosen fields. IBM and Oracle are two popular ventures for DBMS developers. Each venture has its own Database Administrator that manages DBMS for that place of business. The Database Administrator often designs schemas, provides security, and restores the system if a failure occurs. There is also a Database Systems Manager who monitors the running of the system, and managing users requests. There are three common types of databases prevalent in the business arena: Relational, Object-Oriented, and Object-Relational. Relational Database Management System Edgar F. Codd at IBM invented relational databaseShow MoreRelatedTradeoffs Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Management Systems1149 Words   |  5 Pagesthe tradeoffs between relational and object-oriented database management systems 1) Stating Position The object oriented DBMS is superior to the relational database on some specific counts, primarily because it can satisfy the complex demands of the market today better than the any other. Secondly while the relational data base stores data as tables, the object model stores data as objects and creates associations. 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Day-to-day information is growing in gigantic amount. Generated information include predominant information and it will have to be analyzed for gathering essential expertise. On the whole, relational databases are used so as to system the data. These, ways works successfully for small amount of knowledge. What if the data is very tremendous? To avoid this problems Mongo databases are introduced. MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database. ClassifiedRead Moreinformation system1255 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ In all information systems, data resources must be organized and structured in some logical manner, so that they can be: D. All of the choices are correct. From a logical point of view, a(n) _______________ is the smallest data element that can be observed and manipulated. A. character A record represents a collection of _______________ that describe an entity. D. attributes All the fields used to describe the attributes of an entity are grouped to form a(n) _______________

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